Tuesday, August 9, 2016

                Why don't twins have the same fingerprints?Everyone knows that no one can have the same finger prints. but if their are identical twins and they  were formed  at the same time . Heres the scientific reason "Fingerprints are 
formed semi-randomly as
 the foetus develops in the womb and are affected by such

things as chance fluctuations of hormone levels. Similarly,

 the pattern of freckles and moles on the skin is caused by

 random mutations and will vary between identical twins.

DEFINITIONS: Foetus: ( is a prenatal human between its embryonic state and its birth. )

Our own Holiday

      Peche, Tachiya

               Ice - Cream Day/International Video Games Day

      Speech:Today will be the first ever made Ice Cream Day. We ALL know everyone loves ice cream. However our parents claim they cant afford it. So kids should get free ice cream once in a year for free. This holiday should occur on April 18 every year. 

 Speech: Today will be the first annual international Video Games Day. This day will be held August 12, and February 9,. Since it's International it's all over the world. We should celebrate this day to have fun.                                               

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Bear Story

Once upon a time there was a little boy name Jeff. He had no friends but he had a stuffed teddy bear. His name was Ted. Ted was the only friend he had. Jeff wished Ted was real and was his real life buddy. Jeff ate dinner and went to sleep and every night he wished that Ted would come to life. One day when Jeff woke up he saw Ted and he came to life. Now Jeff had a real friend to play with now and then.

This is our buddy Ted the boys best friend that came to life .